Tuesday, May 14, 2013


OK I'm back! Schools out for the summer and I'm going to be working a lot! Which is good because I've got a car to fix. :/

So with that here's goal #1!!

Fix my car! It's all scheduled to be fix by the middle of the month! (going in tomorrow) Downside I need to use a whole paycheck to fix it. But what's getting paid if you don't have anywhere to spend it? Haha!

Goal #2:

Start walking/ jogging.
I want to be able to walk the half marathon Flying Pig next year!

Goal #3:

Save Money! I need to be able to buy my books and a parking pass for this coming school year! That means I need to stop my implies buys, no matter how cute and how much I might really "need' it.

Goal #4:

To finish this blog post! Which looks like I have successfully done! I promise to try a post more, but Tumblr is kinda addicting!

As always, Best,


Thursday, April 18, 2013

No Laughing Matter

Sorry for the few of you reading, I've been super busy with school and work. I had little time to blog.

Most of my friends and people I know, know that I have anxiety. It started when I was about 12 years old.

My first real anxiety was storms. Thunder, lightening, the wind, hail, most of all tornadoes. Any time a warning or watch was issued, I gathered up my room and headed for the basement. The basement had become a second home for me, it evolved from me sleeping on a leftover baby crib mattress, to an oversize bean bag chair, to a full fledged twin sized bed. I have half of the basement.


As the storms rolled in, the more things I brought downstairs. Eventually, we got a bookshelf, a desk, and a place for a TV should we ever decide to finish the basement. After I while I did start to just hang out downstairs. In the summer it was the coolest place int the house and during the school year, I would go down there to write a paper or read a book, since there are few distractions.

After a long story that I don't feel blaring to the Internet yet, my parents made me go to a therapist. After we worked out a few things we moved on to my anxiety. My junior year of high school (I think) I was in a case study for kids with anxiety. It helped, but I was still getting worked up. Senior year I had a full  on panic attack during a tornado warning while at school.

I met my new therapist my freshman year of college. She really helped me out! She helped me get over many of the anxieties I didn't knew I had. One of the most helpful things she taught me was to rate my anxiety level before a storm or an event happened. The list everything good and bad about the event

i.e. There's going to be a tornado.

Pro (for the tornado)        
The weather man says there's a possibility
It is really windy outside
There is a watch out for the area about the event

Con (against the tornado)
The weather man says that the possibility is low
It is sunny out
A watch means to be alert not that it will actually happen
There is wind everyday

The list could go on, but eventually the items going against the even will out weight the items going for the event and you see that anxiety is really just letting the fear get the better of you.

That is all anxiety is: Letting the fear get the better of you. And I know from experience, getting all worked up looks like it is dramatic, and it can be. DO NOT LET ANYONE TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE WRONG TO BE ANXIOUS OR AFRAID. Everyone has a right to be afraid of something and act on it, but if the way you're acting is taking away from your everyday things like school, work, or family, then you need to seek out help.

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it shows that you want to get better and move on. Find someone that you can trust, a friend, family member etc... and let them know what is going on.

If you know someone that has anxiety, listen to them. Do not tell them they are overreacting or laugh at them. Help them get the help they need or just calm them down and distract them from the event.

I know this is long, but if you have any questions, comment and I will try the best I can to answer, if I can't I'll find the answer and direct you to it



Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Break!

This past week, I was on spring break. I was lazy and not productive. Too bad for that schedule of school work I was going to do! But I needed this week! School is super stressful and this was a good relax.

Good and bad, we're in the homestretch of the school year. Yay for having a little over a month to go! Boo for the 12 page paper and 25 source annotated bibliography that I have to do. I'm praying for another snow day tomorrow so my exam gets pushed back.

I've gotten to spend time with my family, which is greatly appreciated now that we're all busy with work, school, overtime, and 2nd jobs. My mom and I spent all day Monday together shopping and I cooked dinner for my dad on Tuesday.

But the best part of spring break was laying around in my pjs doing nothing at all! Being lazy is what I do best. Haha, but really, I did clean my room (gasp!) and did laundry. I was helpful!

Oh well, back to the daily grind tomorrow! I hope you have a good spring break, and I hope its better than mine weather wise.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


      A quick follow up to my last post, yesterday (Wednesday, March 13, 2013), a new Pope was chosen! Pope Francis. This is a very big deal, as he is the first non-European (since the middle ages) and the first Jesuit Pope. He is man of the people, and he is expected to show a new face of the Catholic Church.

      On to my next post, driving. Once we hit the sweet age of 16, everyone pretty much drives. I know there are some exceptions, but to most, driving is an everyday occurrence. Many teenagers see driving as the big right of passage, an exiting thing that will once-and-for-all finally get them some freedom. I....was the opposite. I saw driving as a necessity that I'd eventually have to do. After all, I didn't get my license until I had an actual need to.

      Now, driving has changed somewhat for me. I commute to school, so I use it as time to just be by myself, to think about my day, listen to music, and sing as loud as my off-key heart desires. I also use the time to critique others driving and comment on it.

     Yes, I know they don't hear me.

      And yes, I might  have a slight case of road rage.

      Driving seems to bring the worst out in me. I get angry, I curse, hit the steering wheel, and yell. I know I'm not the best driver in the world, but somethings irritate. Not using turn signals is a biggie. Or like last week, when an old man races you and cuts you off. And my favorite, when there is construction, and you need to get over into one lane, so everyone does so nicely, until you have that one person who thinks they're so important that they need to cut to the front....And someone lets them in!!!

     Sorry for the rant.

     Anyways, if you got a driving pet peeve what is it?


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Catholic Super Bowl

This time of year is a big time for us Catholics. It is lent, the 40 days and 40 nights before Easter. But right now is also a big thing: choosing a new pope. The Pope is the Bishop of Rome and the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church. The last Pope was elected about 8 years or so ago.

But he is not elected like how we elect our president. All of the Cardinals who under the age of 80 vote for the Pope. This year there are 115 Cardinals that are voting. The whole group goes into the conclave (fancy word for having a meeting) and this is held in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. The same Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo.

This is where things get fancy and secretive. Everyone who goes in, does not come out until a new Pope is elected. No information is allowed in or out. The fanciness comes in the way of letting the people know there is a new Pope. There is a furnace installed where all of the votes are burned after being tallied. Black smoke means there is no decision. White smoke means that there is a new Pope.

What makes this occasion so important right now?? If you have not seen the world news lately, our last Pope, Benedict, resigned. He was the first Pope to resign in 600 years! The position of being the Pope is a lifetime job, it is held until death, unless of course they resign.

The new Pope, once elected, doesn't get to go home and pack up either. I heard on ABC news that since he is already in Vatican City, he stays there. Now I don't know if he gets his things sent to him of whatever, I'm sure he does.

There are several American Cardinals in the 115, and some of them are in consideration for being the Pope. There has never been an American Pope, most are of European descent. I think that if an American Cardinal is elected Pope, it could bring new ideas into the centuries old Church.

One Cardinal believes that Priests should be allowed to marry, as many men are scared away of being a Priest because they cannot marry and have a family. Another Cardinal, I believe, thinks that women should be allowed to become Priests instead of Nuns. I'm not sure if these ideas come from the American Cardinals, but they can be influenced by these ideas, and use them during their reign as Pope.

I know that was a lot to read, but I hope you learned something new!


Start Over

I created this blog a year ago for a class, when I was an education major. Now, I am a Communication major, but still keeping my love of history going by going for a history minor. So I decided to scrap all of the old posts and start fresh! I'm going to make a commitment to myself to keep this blog going, I'll think of it as my second thing that I'm doing for lent (I gave up pop/ caffeinated drinks and trying to be a healthier person). OK so maybe third!

The point of this blog I hope is just put my ideas and thoughts out there and to get some feedback. So if anyone is out there is willing to help, Thank You in advance! And if heaven forbid, if I ever get too boring for you, I'm sorry in advance!

Ashley :)

That's my dog, Paula. She say hi and welcome!!